Who We Are

At 3D'D Trains & Moore we are just model railroad hobbyists who see a need for unique 3D printed items for our fellow model railroaders!  Our vision started out of our frustration with using the normal foam train "cradles" and how annoying it was when all the detail parts would get stuck in the foam and how one dimensional they were!

We saw an online post about a 3D printed cradle and our imagination took us from there!  We designed a custom train cradle for our own HO scale trains that has the protentional to hold trains as small as Z scale and as large as O scale trains as well!  We designed several different versions and gave them to several fellow model railroad hobbyists and used their feedback to improve the design each time!

From there we were off to the races!  We have several railroad signs we have designed and are continuously coming up with new designs!  We plan to offer custom never before seen detail parts and kits as well as our own spin on some of the normal model railroad detail parts and who else knows where our imagination will bring us?  (we do but we don't want to spoil all the surprises!) 

Please check out my YouTube channel about my HO scale 1956 Pennsylvania Railroad Philadelphia to Horseshoe Curve inspired layout and other 3D printed related topics - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4r4Mrldz1OjCBm8soT-bVQ

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